Saturday, October 31, 2015

Online Rich Text Editors recently open-sourced Quill, a new entry into the "online rich text editor" category. I only took a quick glance at it; it looks clean and useful, with just enough features that I would consider it for future projects.

I've been wanting something else other than TinyMCE, but the ones I've looked at have lacked one vital function or another which either comes with TinyMCE or can be enabled with a plugin. I still have yet to find one I've liked, but they're either too bloated, or look like they're stuck in the early 2000's MS-Office theme.

The only problem I have with Quill at this point is that, based on my quick glance, one can't specify the type of text being entered, i.e. header, sub-header, paragraph, etc. But it can be faked with specifying Large, Small, Normal sizes, and choosing different fonts. I'd really like the former, though.